Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Posted by: Beaux-y
Time: 9:46 AM
Comments: 0
THE NEW BLACK NIGHT OF 2007 & Christmas

VIDEOS AND PICS OF THE CONCERT. pardon me for their bad quality..

EVERY SINGLE MEMBER CAME! Not quite sure about Bob though. BUt DAMN. SIngaporeans are lucky!
My Two new Friends, from MIBBA! Me, Emmy and Nisha at expo We were hyperventilating hours before the concert. Trust me, we were hyper beyond imagination. But I am glad that MCR sang Desert song, for the first time for a concert. It is really beautiful. I am really lucky I guess.

We laughed..because Nisha went crazy and screamed at a woman to go into the toilet.
THE Long Queue! Poor Nisha, she kept touching the butt of the woman infront of her. The woman was damn pissed. But never said anything. So LOL.

Blur Again. ;( I think its Frank and Michael jamming...
Most of the band is in that picture! They are moving so much, their a blur.
Them singing& playing I'm Not Okay!
Socks, amplifiers. and purple lights...=MCR.Frank and Michael!

Frank and Michael..with GERARD.

The BEST PICTURE! Frank actually jumped to sit on the stagefloor just seconds after this!
Gerard's backside.. XDD He was staring at me seconds before. MUAHAHAHA!

Gerard getting jiggy.. His hands



Michael seem to love being a blurrr.... Still love him though! He likes to shake his head! Frank bob's his head up and down. I wonder if that has anything to do with his love for Bob..

Do refresh if some are not appearing.
Please listen carefully and you can hear them singing the song. Watch out for Frank. One of the videos, he threaten to jump down. But of course, theres the fence. Bleah. Not all videos I post.. cause some of them too blurry..

Teenagers:PARt 1

Teenagers Part II


Best video, the best picture quality and sound for me. MY PHONE REALLY SUCK..cause I drop it so many times.. I wanna kill myself now.


PRISON song..Gerard asking the guys to take their shirt off! He always does that.

Just for viewing pleasure!

There you go! The RULING night of the dark princes. RAY'S ENGAGED! I couldn't see Bob at the concert. Bob, you should throw your drumstick at ME. Ray never come to my side.. AT ALL. At least Michael and Ray came to both my side and the other side of the stage. Gerard went everywhere.

I WAS SO TIRED. MY SPINE WAS BREAKING. And..I didn't sleep the whole day.. which is GOOD. Cause I can replay MCR again and again and again.. Oh you get the point.

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Posted by: Beaux-y
Time: 9:12 PM
Comments: 0
Furious. Vengeful. Murderous. Wanna-vomit. Those words flitted across my mind as
I sifted through those horrible events in my past. I should have stop and think
about what I want in life, should have foreseen the circumstances, should have
stop stop fighting. I should have. I should have lash out and blurt out my piece
of mind, my whole world so everyone could just shut up and hide behind their
stupid facade. But I didn't. I was nice. Too nice. And it turn out to be..

I wasn't naive. I wasn't a liar. I wasn't nice. I was just
stupid enough to buy everything.

Oh I am pretty certain you would
shiver, if you had seen what kind of plans I have for you. And I am
aware what you have done to me. Time won't stop the pain. It's gonna be there as
long as I am alive. As long as my mind is working. As long as you walk


I am going to leave that. Leave those plans and start anew.

For those book lovers out there, do take the chance to read Stephenie Meyer's vampire Series:'Twilight', 'New Moon' and 'Eclipse'. It is the story of a forbidden love between Edward, a 100 year old vampire and Bella, a normal human being. Unlike other vampire-type books, it breaks some of the cliche vampire myths as well as other creatures, all with their own powers. It explores the strength of love to strive between differences and shows how much faith they have in each other to survive despite the life threatening issues they face to be together. Do not judge the book just because it is a Youth Fiction. It is weaved maturely with its own world and creatures ( there will be werewolves, if you can't foresee that), entices me and is full of breathtaking romance and action. Mind you romance lovers, it is not erotic but it sure does create enough frustration and tension to keep you excited. Check it out! Just please, don't be a cannibal after reading it.

Borrowed more and more books and just realised how much I am into love stories and thrillers. Would recommend books the moment I finish them! Wanted to go to the radiogate because today, Rosalind from Perfect Ten is giving away free jackets. I badly want one, (i don't even know why) but decided against it because I would be back home late.

The Golden Compass promises one helluva ride and I am not going to miss it! Anyone who watch it already please..please tell me about it. Just don't spoil the fun or I am going to kill you. Literally. Really. I just can't help but roll my eyes when the catholic churches really dislike the movie..Yeah,its written by atheist but hey this is a free world, and one can think for oneself.

I am pretty shaken about the shootings that occured at a Western country. I cannot remember what country it was, but I saw the news. How many more are going to die just because one person is suicidal? Something is really wrong. Oh god. My condoloscences to those people affected.

Just one last note. Stop racism. And religiousim. And whatever thing that focus on differences instead of celebrating it. Stop it. Thank you.

Siti Aisyah
Sweet Seventeen.
Good Gone Bad
Play nice, & I'll give you cookies.

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Rest in peace, my dear. You are greatly missed.