This coming Mother's Day, I would love to say...
If not for her, I won't be in SP at all~ And that I won't even get my hair rebonded!~
Now my hair is so stylo i tell you! Very smooth, straight and light! I feel like some kind of supermodel already!! Thanks to my mom! She paid for the treatment, and everything.
The only best present I can give her, is to do some household chores and massage her legs~
:) I am a good daughter.
Okay, SP made many new friends! From Phillipines, Malaysia, China, Australia(i think) and etc! Very cool and they are so fun to be with! The guys in my class are ... LOL! (in a good way lahhh)
Learning photshop, drawing, and JAVA.
Java make my head go ... into whirlwind mode, sometimes. Cause totally new stuff, and codes. Drawing is so my forte, I am excelling it pretty well! I didn't know I could draw that well at first~ So far, so good yeah?
I filmed so far, funny and weird videos. I tell you, its all impromptu and crazy videos. At least got Xiang Ting to act for the video! But I'm going to NOT show it here, privacy matters.. Hehe!
AND I JOIN DRAMA/THEATRE COMPASS a.k.a VERY COOL CLUB. I could foresee that I would miss it when I graduate~ :DD Get to wear makeup, learn to sing through a recording artist, and dance, and act.. OMG. I can be the next Johnny Depp female ! XDD
AND I LOST 5 KG! WOOOT! Just by walking to SP, and having a controlled diet~ Gurls, exercise and diet does work. The secret is to find a regime that you can stick with for a long term. STICK WITH IT!
Okay, now Im off to do my homework.. My my my, so many homework now..