GAH. There are too many cute boys around. XDD And they are getting more confident each time I meet a new one! Some of them dared to like dance and hump each other with those smiles on their faces. Well, they are straight and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Afterall, I love gay couples. Especially hot gay couples, they are like music to my eyes. Well, I can always play with them, if you know what I mean...
Well, update about me huh? I have like three assignments I have to rush. Digital Matte, EffectsAnimation and DCM Animatics. I am seriously beginning to like my course more and more. I am even looking forward to do my homework, which did not happen last year. But, I still love playing more...
And I am quite excited. I have two new ongoing crush right now. It's not those I-find-him-cute-only-and-I'llget-over-him-soon kind! It's those where the moment I see them, I start to lose focus on reality, and goes into a passionate mode.. Those kind where you see lovebirds cannot get enough of each other. That's what keep me going to school, besides having friends there, when I'm heavily down with illness. :P And both of them don't know I am crazy about them.
I guess I am still a a teenage girl huh? *blushes*
And wow, I love the first year freshies. A few of them are hot and they love to talk to me. Some even have managerial post at some centres outside of school. They are so much wiser than most of my friends. Kudos and Power to them!
I am so excited about Singapore Idol! The audition date is getting really near, like this coming JU Some of my friends are joining to experience what's its like, and I so want to accompany them and feel the atmosphere! The waiting, the anticipation, and the joy! I might even get to meet some cute dudes~
Oh yeahhh.
The best thing is that I've finally come to terms with this quote - " If you don't need it , you're most likely to attract it." I have to work on fulfilling all my emotional needs with a lot of different people.. instead of focusing on one person, so I won't suck dry those around me.
I know that sounded wrong. 8D
And to "NME" - I might be acting a bit off these days. To tell the truth, I feel like we are strangers again. After the times passes by , I kind of don't really get to connect with you like we did last time. Even though you're happy and high, and I'm happy for you and really want to be part of that happiness, I still feel awkward. It's like trying to be mushy and happy with a stranger you've just met. I guess it's true what you've said. I know you're trying your best to connect with me, and I appreciate it more than you know. Well, just accept me in as I am now, even though I am not as emotionally open and present as the others. I will give all I've got to be close as we were before. I am thankful you still held on to our friendship. Thanks a lot!
I just found out that there is such a place where there are no cars or motors or engines at all! it's Makinac Island in Machigan. These motor vehicles were actually banned since 1898! It looks like those Victorian/English settings hundred years ago. They used hydroelectric means to generate power and they use their waste efficiently. I want to go there, and ride the horses. It will be so free of the smoke!