Monday, October 20, 2008
Posted by: Beaux-y
Time: 10:39 PM
Comments: 0
Quite disappointed. XT doesn't like Supreme - Robbie Williams. I think its really lovely song, with beautiful lyrics. Too bad, different tastes.. :)

I am so proud I ran a lot of rounds at the park today. Leg aching, but whole day I am full of energy. Just don't know what to play or who to play with only. So I look a bit normal today.

Today had CD lesson. Wow, talk a lot about beliefs and values. Anything to do with the mind fascinates me. Telekinesis, psychic, subconscious mind, and the power of beliefs attract my attention like a perfect man can. I have been continually seeking to improve myself, trying to master my mind. Cause afterall, I am not my mind. I am just me. Not my mind. Sometimes, when you want to do something, the mind keeps chattering.

I just let my mind chatter away. Ignore it. And I start to hear the other voice. The small, gentle but still a voice that whispers to me. And I follow it. It makes so much difference. My mind can really suck.

Well, some might find the CD lesson boring. I see the power in it. If she could just explain more about 'The Map Is Not The Territory', the class would be much better. And co-incidentally, probably not, my email talks about this. Just received the email today. Wow. Haha!

Scroll until the end of quote if not interested~

One of the main principles of NLP is that THE MAP IS NOT THE SAME AS THE TERRITORY.

Boiled down to its essence, this means that the feelings and perceptions you have are ENTIRELY dependent on the perspective that you take. Each perspective gives you a COMPLETELY new set of opinions, thoughts, and feelings about that particular situation.

For example, a MAP of the Rocky Mountains looks VERY different from the way those exact same mountains look when you're standing amongst them on a nature walk, strolling around and staring up at the craggy peaks, right?

Your PERSPECTIVE has changed - and with it change your observations, impressions, and reactions.

In order to change the way that you feel about areas of your life that are causing you bother at the moment, you need to reframe your perspective so that you can ACTIVELY CHANGE the emotions and reactions that you have. What you need to do, specifically, is change your role from PARTICIPATOR to OBSERVER.

When you're PARTICIPATING mentally and emotionally in a situation, your reactions are bound entirely to the outcome of that situation. You're at the mercy of random chance.

On the other hand, if you take steps to mentally and emotionally remove yourself from a situation that is causing you anxiety, stress, or fear, you're able to relax and neutrally observe what happens. You don't experience any of the physical symptoms of stress, like sweaty palms, nausea, or a dry mouth - because that situation's not happening to YOU. It's happening to somebody else.

-Mirabelle Summers

Well, if you want to know more, just request by email~ (don't think you would, would you? :P)

After optical illusions, and belief systems, I was told no java today! HAPPY and sian. Cause laptop bring for nothing. But of course, away from all those java codes even for a day, is BLISS, baby!

Eat, and Phoebe made me really laugh today. Cause I was so bored during lunch.

I ask Aini

Me: "How was your weekend?"
Aini: "HUH? Erm, it was fine?"
Phoebe: " Haha! You really have nothing to talk about don't you?!"
Me: *nods while laughing*
Aini: "Yah! Who ask like that?"

And then the group conversation gets more livelier. Thanks Phoebe! :D

Went to the mug with the usual peeps, Cheryl, Ethel, Jia Jun Sebastian and Erra tag along too! Couldn't think of anything much for DVDE. I was confused and fed up. Explanation for the poster is just so vague! Nature has so many things, can I just draw one mega frog? Decided to choose Poster 2, much more easier. All about just one thing, "FREE APPRECIATION WALK".

Someone was emo-ing a bit too long today...

And I am going to ask MR Faizal if I can do a scene of pots in my kitchen. So many scratches, and lighting, plus reflection. Five objects, just nice. :D Confirm easy and real-looking.

wanna blog more. momma scream scream.

if i had powers, i wish she can only whisper. sure loud enough le.

I am not mean.

Another time loves~.

Siti Aisyah
Sweet Seventeen.
Good Gone Bad
Play nice, & I'll give you cookies.

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Rest in peace, my dear. You are greatly missed.