- WM : You want me to shoot the Maya book?
Well, I am a big crazy fan of MaryJanice Davidson, just by reading one of her books. For her to be able to do that is like a big major feat. My attention span is not very good, (damn those tv commercials!), and I usually put a book down just by reading one line from one random page. Serious, I am that damn fickle minded. But, this era, fickle mindedness does have its benefit.
WATCH KUNG FU PANDA! I think its the coolest and not to mention, the most HILARIOUS CG comedy ever! Jack Black has done well, kudos to you! And I don't know which one Jackie Chan is voicing over.. Might be that praying mantis..Or the shifu.. Or tai lung.. (Why does it sound like TAI LONG? Those damn loansharks are now appearing in movies. Oh god.)
Bleah, i think I am tired to think now. but guys, i did exercise. I'm serious. I exercised, and now I am like tired. I have kept on eating, but my weight remained there. (either i'm blind or the weight thingy is broken or I am really fit!!! -must be the latter ! ;) )
So, is your holiday damn fun? :P