Friday, November 14, 2008
Posted by: Beaux-y
Time: 8:09 PM
Comments: 0
Feel better now.

I guess I had a relapse. :P I sound like I am sick or something.

Anyway, today was ALRIGHT! Really quite unique, since there's no webp. And, I've got to go round and round the bazaar looking at the stuffs there before going into class. I was like so carefree!

Went into class, and everyone was like super shocked. HAHA! Fun seh to do that. Like I am some showstopper or something. All that energy pouring into me, I can suck them all! Everyone was super quiet ! And some of their mouth were either open, or they can't move their eyes away from me!


Okay, that sounds wrong.. but still..

Talking about energy, DRAMA gems taught me about energy. Anyone, even those super exhaused ones would give energy to those around them. If you are sad, you will affect everyone around, just by being around them. If you are excited, love stricken or blah blah, everyone will feel it without knowing how. It's that simple! And energy can never run out, its always passing here and there!

Now I can go hyper without fearing anything!! WHEEE!

and one of my friend say i super h***y. if you know me 'well', you'll know what i mean..

I guess I am just super excited all the time,... HEEHEE!

Siti Aisyah
Sweet Seventeen.
Good Gone Bad
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Rest in peace, my dear. You are greatly missed.